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Posts posted by 3dnerd

  1. Hi nallath,

    don‘t get me wrong - but do you think a ‘normal‘ user is able to understand this?

    I doubt that anybody will touch this json file.

    On one side you provide an easy to use visual interface to e.g. scale/rotate any object.

    On the other side a user should edit a json file manually?

    I think this is not reasonable for any user!

    Why there is no easy to use visual settings page inside Cura to modify this file?

    Will there be any in the future?

  2. Hi,

    yes this is very annoying. What I do is RIGHT-click on the image, then I choose 'Open image in new tab'. Then I move to new tab. There the image fits into the browser window.

    If the image is bigger that the browser window the zoom symbol appears and you can LEFT-click to enlarge the image to its original size.

    This is not as comfortable as in the legacy forum but at least a workaround.

    Hope that helps ;-)

  3. Hi dim3nsioneer,

    thanks for reply. Here what it looks like in legacy Cura x-ray view:


    'Fix horrible' is set to 'Combine everything (Type A)' but I never set this - I hink this is the default?

    But even if I disable it legacy Cura creates infill as expected - new Cura doesn't :-(

  4. Hi,

    today I wanted to print a small holder.

    I sliced it with new Cura 15.06.02 and watched the layers first.

    But new Cura does not create any infill inside the shaft (around layer 44).

    In the bottom and top it creates infill again.

    Then I sliced it with the old Cura 15.02.01 and this one creates the infill without any problems as you can see here:


    Why the new Cura 15.06.02 does not create the infill where the shaft is?



    I wanted to provide the STL-file here but in this forum I cannot see any option to add an STL file.

    If someone knows how to do it please tell me ;-)

  5. Hi swordriff,

    thanks for reply, but since my UM2 is fairly new and not used that often I doubt that this is the reason.

    The filament does not move through the bowden but keeps inside the feeder case.

    I found out that the filament gets curled between the feeder's knurled wheel and the bowden.

    The feeder does not feed the filament through the bowden.

    I took out both ends of the bowden and tried to feed the filament manually through.

    The filament goes nice and smoothly through the bowden. Also if I re-insert the filmanet the feeder moves the filament up through the bowed up to the nozzle without any problem.

    It seems that if the bowden is attached to the nozzle that too much pressure is needed to feed the filament through the heated nozzle and therefore  the filament stucks right after the knurled wheel.

    I read some threads here saying one should use a drop of oil inside the bowden, but I doubt that this will solve my case.

    Maybe I should try a higher nozzle temperature to get less resistance from the nozzle?

    Any ideas how to go ahead?

  6. Hi,

    today I tried InnfoFlex 45 Yellow for the first time, bad had no luck :-(.

    I could successfully feed in the InnoFlex but printing did not work.

    I could only print the 1st and part of the 2nd layer then the feeder did not transport the filament anymore.

    I tried several times to insert the filament, this worked well but after printing starts the filament does not move anymore. The curled wheel turns but the filament does not move.

    I screwed the pressure skrew to give more pressure (up to the lowest position of the indicator), but still no success.

    I also tried less pressure, but still no success. The nozzle temperature I set to 210°C.

    The first layer was also really bad. The single filament paths did not touch each other. They are very thin, not 0.4 mm as the nozzle diameter is. Do I have to increase the flow rate and/or temperature to move out more material that the paths will touch?  

    Could somebody successfully print IbnnoFlex with the built in feeder?

    Is this a feeder problem?

    Thanks for any help...

  7. Dear all,

    since I was not here for a long time (due to new forum login problem) I want to know if there are any release notes for Cura 15.04?

    I still have 15.02, is there also 15.03 available?

    What has changed?

    Makes it sense to update?

    Long time ago I also asked what is PU (Pink Unicorn) - is it available now?

    Thanks for any update...

  8. Hi everyone,

    when Ultimaker switched to the new forum I could not login anymore :-(.

    It took 4 weeks and lot of email conversation until the support could solve the problem.

    Finally and happily now I can participate in the community again.

    Thanks to the Ultimaker support team!

    • Like 2
  9. Hallo MichelAngleo,

    schick den UM2 nicht zurück es ist ein tolles und zuverlässiges Gerät!

    Du bist nicht zufrieden mit deinen ersten Versuchen, aber es lohnt sich dran zu bleiben.

    Hier mal mein erster Druck mit ABS:


    (unteres Bild)

    Dort siehst Du wie der UM2 selbst filigrane Details druckt, meine Druckparameter sind dort ebenfalls angegeben (ein bischen höher im selben Thread).


  10. Hi,

    now I printed the inner part again but now in the correct orientation as the STL file is.

    First I made a mistake, I did not switch on the fan again, so here is what came out:


    The detailed part look really horrible, the tips of the 'wings' turned to brown look like burned!


    Then I enabled the fan (the outer part I printed with fan disabled) for the inner part again, here you can see the difference now:


    The result is really great, amazing what UM2 can do!

    The filament is Innofil3D ABS silver grey, it appears blue here since I used twho different light sources with different light temperature and my white balance is not correct here, so just ignore the color.

    Then I inserted the inner part into the outer part, it fits perfectly - thanks Anders Olsson!

    I tried to screw something and heard the click noise - wunderbar :wink:

    BTW as you can see here even you have a faulty print, it never is useless. Learning by doing shows what went wrong and you learn from it making it better the next time!


  11. Hi,

    thanks for all suggestions printing the torque wrenche (see http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/7689-custom-heater-block-to-fit-e3d-nozzle-on-ultimaker-2/page-24 #475)


    I printed it now using ABS at 250°, look here:


    and here:


    I printed like I presented on the image in #475, means the 'wings' of the inner part touching the glass plate.

    I had no problems doing so, as you can see on the images.

    If somebody is interested in the settings I used here they are. I did two single printjobs one by one.

    - Layer height: 0.15

    - Shell thickness: 1.0

    - Enable retraction: activated with standard settings

    - Fill denisty: 100%

    - Print speed: 50

    - Support type: none

    - Platform adhesion type: none

    - nozzle size (UM2 stock nozzle): 0.4

    - Initial layer thickness: 0.2

    - Initial layer width: 100

    - Travel speed: 150

    - Bottom layer speed: 30

    - Infill speed: 100

    - Top/bottom speed: 30

    - Outer shell speed: 40

    - Inner shell speed: 80

    - Enable cooling fan: disabled

    Printbed temperature: 90°

    The first try I printed on the glass plate directly, but after around 10 layers the part came loose.

    I put some 50mm Kapton tape on the glass and now it sticks strongly - even after cooling down.

    So for small parts I really recommend to try Kapton tape!

    Before putting both parts together I print the inner part again now. As Anders Olsson recommended I print the inner part upside down now, like in the STL file.



  12. Hi,

    yesterday I received my 3DSolex aka 'The Olson Block', thanks again swordriff for the fast delivery!

    I want to print the torque wrench first (https://www.youmagine.com/designs/nozzle-torque-wrench), but I have few questions:


    What is the correct orientation for the parts to print, In Cura I placed them like this:


    Is this the correct orientation for both parts to print? Or do I have to rotate any of the two parts by 180 degrees (upside down)?

    2. What print settings are recommended in Cura? On 3DSolex page it is recommended to use 'auto' setting for the fan, but in Cura I don't have any 'auto' setting. What about settings like:

    - Layer height

    - Shell thickness

    - Enable retraction

    - Fill denisty (is mentioned on 3DSolex.com -> set to 100%)

    - Support type

    - Platform adhesion type

    - Initial layer thickness

    - Initial layer width

    - Travel speed

    - Bottom layer speed

    - Infill speed

    - Top/bottom speed

    - Outer shell speed

    - Inner shell speed

    - Enable cooling fan (settings?)



    I want to print in ABS since it can resist higher temperatures, but ABS is a littlebit more flexible compared to PLA.

    But if ABS is more flexible then the torque value is less compared to PLA.

    So the nozzle is skrewed a littlebit weaker into the basis if the Olson block compared to PLA.

    Is this important?



  13. Hi,

    on the UM2 LCD panel there is a very useful function to change the print speed percent wise. So I can change the speed during printing from e.g. 100% to 80% or even from 100% to 115%. This reduces all speeds simultanously (first layer speed, infill speed, bottom/top leyer speed, inner perimter speed, outer perimeter speed, etc.) simulatnoulsy. This is very convenient since I don't have to change each speed one by one.

    Is there something similar available in Cura?

    When I want to test a new profile I created in Cura then on the printer I change the speed to get a better result depending on what I see when watching the printer.

    Then I realize e.g. slowing down the speed to e.g. 80% leads into a better print result.

    Now back in Cura I want to reduce the speed also to 80%. But in Cura I have to calculate 80% one by one for each speed.

    Is there any feature I can set 80% only one time for all speeds?




  14. Hi guys,

    thanks so far. I think I will use TweakAtZ first to turn off the fan at the top layers and see what happens. Then I will raise the temperature from 230° to 235° and may slow down print speed.

    I wonder if those problems will be solved by Ultimaker team at least for the UM3? :wink:

    (And hopefully we will get a better feeder in UM3)


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