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Posts posted by CarloK

  1. Yep, of course we do have a complete list of changes but it isn't polished up for publication, i.e. many changes have a poor description and will raise more questions than they answer. Internally that isn't a problem since we can click a link to the full bug tracking system for more details, but that won't work without an Ultimaker account.


    In my opinion the v5.1.7 release is a great step forward to an even more stable S5 machine. Just to give an impression on the number of (tiny) changes from 5.0.19 to 5.1.7:
    * The printer application had 199 tickets of which 110 marked as bug fixes.

    * Cura Connect had 79 tickets of which 39 bug fixes.

    Misleading here is that many bug fixes are fixes on other changes we made and that were never in an official release.


    A few of the other note worthy bug fixes that didn't make it into the release notes:

    - Fixed several problems where sometimes the filament retractions were off at the end of a print or when pausing; the filament was retracted too far or not far enough, causing problems in priming the next print.

    - With Active Leveling the first layer was sometimes too thin. Other accuracy improvements were made as well.

    - Fixed a tiny ooze blob at the end of a print where the print core was hovering too long on the object.

    - Fixed a memory leak in the web service.

    - And lots of other bugs that handle edge cases that happen rarely but will make the printer more stable (like starting an XY calibration with only 1 material now reports an error, better handling of internal errors, etc.)


    But, looking at the whole list, my opinion is that Ultimaker shouldn't publish it in this form. Even for me, as one of the developers, it is a confusing long list.


    • Thanks 1
  2. I don't know, I never heard of a problem like this before. I suspect some kind of electronics problem. Might be something simple as a loose connector. Is the machine still under warranty? Then check your local reseller.


    No warranty? Then, how much are you prepared to try yourself? The switch signal goes over a 16 wire flat cable from the front panel pcb to the main pcb. You could try to re-seat the connectors on both sides.

    If that doesn't help, then with your multimeter you could verify the switch response on the main board; the flat cable goes to connector p6, pin 11 is the switch and all even numbered pins are ground. The same switch signal can also be found on connector J11, pin 2. The signal should go from 3V to 0V when you toggle the switch.

  3. @schen I will look into your reported issues. You are living in a different time zone, so it will not be until tomorrow that I can report back to you (it is 22:00 hours here now).


    I advice to use the last stable release v5.0.19. Version 5.0.12 isn't bad but there is a bug where log files will eventually eat up all memory until a reboot is executed. Lots of other small bugs were fixed as well in the stable v5.0.19 which you can download here. (download both the files ending with "tar.xz" and "tar.xz.sig" onto a usb stick)

  4. The UM2 firmware supplied with Cura 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 are identical.

    What isn't working with your UM2+? If it does power up, then execute a factory reset from the menu. This often resets problems with the internal configuration settings.


    If the UM2+ doesn't power up, then the current Cura versions can't recognize the printer and uploading doesn't work. Is that what is happening?

    Several other programs can help you out of this situation but I don't remember them all. One tool is the old Cura 15.04 version but there are others as well. Once the printer boots again you can use Cura 3.5 to install the most recent firmware.

  5. Something is broken on your machine.

    Did you modify the um3.json file for the new steps/mm setting? If yes, then I suspect you made a typo. Accidentally deleting a comma or something like that can corrupt the file.


    Easiest solution: install the firmware again (from network download or a USB stick) and then apply your new steps/mm setting to the um3.json

  6. With the info I have right now I can't explain the missing CMD prompt.

    When you connect over SSH and login with the ultimaker / ultimaker account, then you should be directed to the python command utility. Only in the first UM3 releases this was different, I think it was there since v3.4.


    What is your UM3 firmware version?

  7. The most recent UM3 release is v4.3.3 from 2018-05-29

    This release is stable and has no known major problems, 10-thousands of machines are running this version.


    Your problem sounds strange because even with an external mouse the menu is difficult to control? Then it doesn't sound like a mechanical failure of the encoder switch. Please check there is no dirt behind the rotary switch knob, you can remove the knob using a small screw driver from the inside of the printer (there is a small hole there) and then you can push out the plastic knob.


    Downgrading the firmware is not officially supported. Please try downloading the v4.3.3 version and save the two files to a USB stick, insert the USB stick into your UM3 and then install this from the update menu.

    All firmware revisions can be downloaded from: http://software.ultimaker.com/jedi/releases/

  8. @rebekah_harper you mention 'developer access', so you are using an UM3 or S5 machine. Then yellowshark's suggestion for using a program with USB connection won't work.


    What machine type do you have?

    Which Bond Tech extruder model are you using?


    For the UM3/S5:

    - Enable developer mode

    - Make an SSH connection and login with user name 'ultimaker' and password 'ultimaker'

    - 'sendgcode T0' (or T1)  this will select the left or right nozzle

    - 'sendgcode M302 S0' disables the cold extrusion prevention, so you can move filament even when cold.

    - 'sendgcode G0 E10' will move the filament 10mm.

  9. We only want to do an UM2(+) release when it is thoroughly tested, for the same reason that you don't want to run a beta version.


    Internally testing the UM2(+) software turns out to be a practical problem since we don't have a lot of those machines in the office, every developer has a UM3 or S5, so these machines are not tested in normal work. Also the System Test department did the last UM2 test a year ago.


    The Cura beta cycles are too short to get a good feedback on the firmware quality. I'll start a topic for a public beta test and see if that gives good response.

  10. Have a look at the Readme file at https://github.com/Ultimaker/UM2.1-Firmware I updated this a few months ago and is confirmed to still be working.

    At Ultimaker we use an old Arduino version, v1.0.5, see the above article for a download link. Ancient, but this is well tested. Anything newer and you are on your own to solve irrelevant 'improvements' to the Arduino suite.


    Compiling the source code is as simple as downloading the Arduino suite, modifying one file in that program and off you go.

  11. 8 hours ago, Link said:

    This value is stated as the smoothing factor within the PID. Does anyone know what this does and does the difference matter ?

    It is a smoothing factor on the D-term in the PID algorithm, i.e. a software filter. The K1 parameter is a float value in the range 0 to 1, where 1 means the D-term is applied without filtering and when set to 0 the D-term will never change.


    I'm not sure about the impact of this parameter. In the early Ultimaker days there were lots of temperature control problems and new ideas were tested to fix them. In the end most problems turned out to be caused by variations in the electronics from machine to machine. Those electronics variations are now controlled and the parameter might be a left over from those early days.

  12. Ok, my wrong memory of seeing a ticket being closed.


    I checked with the Cura team. What happens:

    1 Cura constantly scans all connected USB ports.

    2 When it finds a (new) device it sends a gcode for asking the current temperature

    3 When a response is returned Cura assumes this to be a printer.


    Now, what happens when you have a bricked firmware is that the printer won't respond to the temperature command and Cura doesn't recognize the device as a valid printer.


    Step 2 wasn't present in the old v15 Cura, so that's why the older Cura's can still be used to update a bricked printer.


  13. @fjulian79 I can see you are not happy with the firmware update feature in Cura, but I don't understand what your problem is. In Cura you can select your printer model, and when it is an UMO you get the extra options to select installed features like heatable bed present or not. Installing the new firmware should then be a simple press of the button. This should be just as simple as the referred bUltimaker tool.


    If the upload features isn't working than it might be you got bitten by a recent Cura change. In old Cura versions the attached printers were always reset on Cura boot. This resulted in Cura aborting an ongoing print. Cura now was made more intelligent by not resetting but communicating with the printer, however when the printer has a broken firmware this fails and uploading new firmware is impossible. A catch-22 situation; we don't want to reset the printer, but without resetting it is impossible to upgrade a bricked printer.

  14. I'm sorry to say the changes to the UM2(+) didn't make it into Cura 3.5.  ?

    Because our testing department had to give focus to other projects they didn't have time to test a new UM2 firmware. I can't say when it will be released since I don't want to make new promises I can't live up to.


    What will help in getting more confidence in firmware quality is when more people are testing it. Here is a link to an early beta version: https://github.com/Ultimaker/UM2.1-Firmware/tree/UM2.1_JarJar/releases/beta

    Please note that this version didn't get a lot of testing yet, so when you find issues, please post them here and I can fix them.

  15. I do agree that the above layout looks neat and it should be easy to implement. It's just not my call....


    I think in another thread we also had this same discussion. Our User eXperience designers are against it because we don't fully understand why a user would be interested in this value. That sounds blunt, but they do have a point. Why do you want to see the layer number?

    Most likely it is because there is some special feature in your design that you want to verify for being printed correctly? But, are you then going to sit in front of the printer to watch it happening? I know many people do sit in front of  their printer, it is nice to watch the movements, but it is not an efficient thing to do.


    With all new available technologies we think we can come up with something smarter. Some of the ideas are: Marking the area of interest in Cura, triggering a (time lapse) video when that area is being printed. Send a message to the user (email, app, whatever). Remotely view the part being printed in the app and then take corrective actions through the app.


    Internal discussions are still going on. For better results it would help when people post here why it is important for them to see the layer numbers.

  16. 46 minutes ago, Dangermouse said:

    do I still use the -extended model filed even though this is the smaller (non-extended) UltiMaker 2+?

    What do you think yourself? This topic was started for an UM2+ Extended. The machine dimensions are part of the firmware (and the only difference between those two firmwares).

    Use the MarlinUltimaker2plus.hex file for a standard UM2+

  17. UMO(+) firmware is indeed included with Cura. The last few years no (significant) changes were made, so you can take any Cura release from Jan-2015 and newer, i.e. v15.01 and newer.


    I'm not sure which firmware you need. This was before I joined the company and there have been multiple UMO variants.

    You can not brick the printer by uploading new firmware, so give it a try.


  18. 2 hours ago, cdarr said:

    I am currently experienced severe instability with the most recent building of Cura (3.4.1).

    Sorry to hear you are having problems. This doesn't sound familiar to me. What OS are you running on?

    Please note the post directly above yours: since 10 days Cura 3.4.1 isn't the most recent Cura version anymore. I suggest you try the new v3.5 Beta release and see if that fixes your problem.

  19. Nope.

    The offsets are the values you have to add to the gcode coordinates to get the nozzle at the desired position.

    So, when the gcode says to go to position 0,0 then the values for the first nozzle are commonly configured as x=0 and y=0. For the second nozzle you then enter offsets so that the nozzle gets located at exact that same position. You can measure these values as the distance from center of nozzle 1 to center of nozzle 2.


    Cura uses these values to calculate the allowed build volume, i.e. you have the printer's volume size but on some printers not all nozzles can reach all same physical locations. From that you can conclude the values are for most printers just an indicational value and it doesn't matter if you are off by a millimeter. Except... there are some printer brands where the gcode contains absolute positions for each head and then these settings affect the generated gcode positions (not true for Ultimaker machines where the nozzle offset is configured in the printer).

    • Like 1
  20. What Cura version do you have?

    I just installed the Cura v3.5 Beta version and the option is there to configure up to 8 extruders, and then for each extruder the X and Y offset. Go to the 'Manage printers' menu. Select your printer and then click the 'Machine settings' button.


    I looked into the Cura manual at https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/52029-manage-printers

    and there I see the menu item for adding extruders is missing. So it might be a recent configuration addition.

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