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Posts posted by mrender

  1. All you can really do with the model you originally wanted to print, is re-mesh or modify the mesh by trial and error until you get something that cura will spiralise as you want it to.  Fusion 360 has some good tools for this.  Try and aim for the triangles to be fairly uniform sizes and angles.  Avoid long slivers and clumps of tiny triangles if you can.

  2. Trouble is the section isn't a continous curve, it is series of hundreds of straight lines without robust constraints on their endpoints because they are projections of hundreds of triangles at alsorts of angles, which themselves aren't particularly constrained to each other.

  3. A basic problem with your example model is that it doesn't shell well.  Intersections occur which create problems with the geometry,  meshing compounds this as the aproximations create holes and very close vertices. Presumably the jug model is having similar issues.  The models need to be shelled in the modeller before small details are added.  Being able to print from a step file would help alot too.

  4. Having real trouble with 5.3.0!  Project files mostly don't open with the choice to update a machine, rather just dumps the models into the existing project therefore none of the settings from the project file are loaded in.  This is totally unusable for existing projects.

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