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Everything posted by Zarkhowler

  1. Yeah so I'm back. If you zoom into the pic then you can see a little bit of underextrusion right after the seam. Any ideas as to what might be causing the problem
  2. So after tussling with this problem for a while, I found a solution to my problem. The extruder ptfe tube was slightly shifting in the extruder coupler which meant print in accuracies. I printed a coupler reinforcer which completely solved the problem. Now I get only a little bit of stringing and everything is great. Thanks everyone for your help
  3. Also I did 10 mm retractions and it worked for the most part but the z Sean for the support was pretty wispy. Any ideas?
  4. Also having this problem on my dog. It's not as clear but it's there. Any progress? I would predict that it might be something about too .much retraction as this dog was printed with 10 mm retractions. My other dogs don't have this pattern and they were printed at 6 and 8 mm retractions with lots of stringing.
  5. Printed at .2 layer heights. With 6mm retractions and made the minimum retraction distance .2 mm. With 25mm per sec retraction speed. It's an improvement so Im thinking about 8 mm retractions. Also a wierd gap of no filament.
  6. Try printing a temp tower at your current retraction settings and pick the best temperature that has the least stringing. Then you would print the retract tower.
  7. So I tried printing at 195 deg and 5 mm retraction and 40 mm per sec speed. The dog still came out really stringy even though the temp tower and retract tower were ok at those settings.
  8. I'm printing at 195 deg C and will see if that helps through a retract tower.
  9. Ok so lots of stringing I'll upload pics of the dog once it's done printing. 4mm retractions with 10 mm retraction speed. as tests indicate
  10. Could you please add a screen shot from Cura of what you see? Do you see the holes?
  11. Pls include files as your files might not have the holes that are in the image.
  12. You could split up the part and print them at diff. Orientations to get the best quality and reassemble with glue or a snap fit or press fit. This is not always the best way as its tedious printing all of the diff. Part and reassembling.
  13. Ok I'll use these settings to print another dog and see where that gets me. If the stringing remains I'll probably upgrade the ptfe tube to Capricorn tubing.
  14. Thanks so much for your help. I finally got good results There's a bit of stringing but Im printing a retraction tower to fix that. Thanks again!
  15. Ok I have calibrated it and now I'm printing the dogs head cause printing everything at once is too much for me. I just need to know that the dogs head will print alright
  16. Ok I'll try adding glue stick. Also my numbers were whack. My steps per mm were 108.9 and after calibrating it was 96.3 huge difference. Lemme print some .8 walls to figure out what flow I should print at
  17. What are your thoughts for my e steps? I was wondering what was wrong with my printer when you said 93 to 100 but mines clocked all the way up to 104.9. This is abnormal and me having to use 40% flow is wierd. I will do another e step calibration but please tell me why my numbers are so high. It even extrudes 100 mm if plastic perfectly. The rest is pretty helpful but I have a glass plate and don't want to get it dirty with glue stick. I use 78 cause it ensures no screw ups and it can be done with the printer. I guess I can reduce it but will keep it around 65 c. The line width also helps with adhesion according to my Experiance. Also the 1 mm was default. I can change it to 0. The 5 mm sec is just there just in case I start a print and walk away from it and leave it alone. Also lol that dog looks scary. 40% worked fine for me. Lol my e step numbers really messed up
  18. CE3_GVDogWbox.3mf This is my profile CE3_GVDogWbox.3mf
  19. My e steps are actually 104.9 and I've never had this problem before. I'm using 1.75 mm pla filament with a 0.4 mm nozzle
  20. Wow that's a nice dog lol. I reduced the flow to 40% as I'm printing at 0.08 layer heights and I've gotten this result on just the head.
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