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  1. Dustin's post in Supports was marked as the answer   
    The following article talks about how to "block" support with Support Blockers.
    You can actually follow the steps and reverse its function and have it generate support only where it is located.
  2. Dustin's post in Setting up Ultimaker S7 - Cura doesn't support S7? was marked as the answer   
    The latest UltiMaker Cura (non-beta) is actually 5.2.2 
    I would recommend downloading that version.
  3. Dustin's post in Cura Settings for Anycubic Photon Mono 4K was marked as the answer   
    UltiMaker Cura is made for Filament based 3D Printers, not resin 3D Printers.
  4. Dustin's post in Cura 4.13.1 - Do I Have The Correct File? was marked as the answer   
    Yes, the -amd64 is the "64bit" architecture used by windows. Even if you are using an Intel processor its still amd64 architecture.

    Cura has not been supported on 32bit windows since 2.5.0 if my memory is correct.
    in the past installers were named -win64  but this was changed a few years ago to -amd64 
  5. Dustin's post in Cura crashesor stops was marked as the answer   
    Your issue is likely Cura 3.2.1 that was released 5years ago  ... Current release build of Cura is 5.2.2.. 
    Cura has undergone significant updates since then, even a major one in the last year alone.
  6. Dustin's post in Central Profile location was marked as the answer   
    This isn't directly supported at this time.
    But one option could be to save a project to Digital Factory, with a basic model on the print bed with your custom settings applied. 
    Then any user on your team can download the project directly within UltiMaker Cura and it will load the preset setting changes you made.

    I have forwarded this feedback to the Digital Factory Team as well, it would be nice to have an option such as you mentioned.
  7. Dustin's post in Incomplete support was marked as the answer   
    Odd, wonder why I don't see that release on github.. I did find the release post though
    That's from 2019.. as Cura goes that is extremely old.
    I would recommend updating. Cura has been significantly updated in the last year the core slicing engine was completely re-written. 
  8. Dustin's post in How to get profiles for new Printers into Cura quicker..? was marked as the answer   
    Hi shoe

    Its generally up to the Manufacturer in question (or its user community) to make the profile contribution to UltiMaker Cura.
    The UltiMaker Cura Dev Team does not develop any of the profiles for 3rd party machines, they simply add them in the next update build once they are submitted on github. As UltiMaker Cura is updated quite frequently you would see it added within weeks/months depending the timing of the profile submission vs the next planned update release.

    If your machine profile took almost 2years for you to see in Cura, that would point to no one actually submitting one.

    You can learn more about the process here
  9. Dustin's post in Question about settings #ender 3 s1 pro was marked as the answer   
    This would be different brim and skirt settings in your profile.

    You can learn more about it here: https://support.makerbot.com/s/article/1667417985477
  10. Dustin's post in Someone/Something Trying to Connect to my S5 was marked as the answer   
    Because it was once connected, it's trying to reconnect.

    You will need to do a Digital Factory Reset to clear the status. 
    (Note: this will also clear your print history on the machine itself, but will not reset things like xy or lift switch calibrations)

    It is also not really possible to remotely request the machine to join Digital Factory, that is done from the touch screen.
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