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  • 3D printer
    Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle

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  1. After doing more research and digging through posts, it seems like there is a proprietary priming/de-priming process that kicks off before and after each print. This seems to be controlled by the Firmware and not G-Code. Is there a py file responsible for this logic that can I can take a look at? If this were in GCode, I'd say it's a simple issue of changing the GCode to move laterally **before** moving the Z axis. At the end of the print, the Z axis appears to be clear of the print, but when moving to the de-prime location, it's moving to the X Y Z locations at once, which risks creating a diagonal line through the print if the printer head is above the print. Then once the printer head has to move to the other side of the print bed, it would need to lower the print bed first, then cross, then raise the print bed. Since this isn't happening in the GCode, it seems like this would need to be changed in the firmware.
  2. I’m experiencing this issue as well, and I just posted on another thread: I stood and watched 2 prints finish and go through the “de-prime” phase. It was the de-prime phase that caused the collision. I was using the left print core only (Print Core 1) with Tough PLA. The print had good adhesion throughout the print, but it was (thankfully) dislodged when hit with the printer head. The past two prints are the first times I’ve run into this. Here’s how they are different: 1. They have a taller profile than most of my prints (~40mm) 2. I was trying out the Visual - Fine Profile in Cura to generate the g-code. The machine is on the latest firmware, and we have printed with Ultimaker PETG and Ultimaker Tough PLA. We also have the Material Station. I’m guessing that the print bed has to move all the way up to the top to keep the purged filament from falling on the print bed, but this does not account for prints being on the bed during the post-print de-priming process. Even if the bed is lowered completely while the print head crosses the area of the print bed, raising the bed to full z height could cause prints to collide with the XY axes if they are over the print bed when the bed is raised. I’m not sure if this would be counterproductive to the de-priming process, but is it possible to prompt for the removal of the print before de-priming the print core? Or to ensure that the print height does not exceed the clearance of the XY rails before raising the bed to maximum height? Or maybe it would be better to create a channel for the priming/de-priming filament on the sides of the print bed to keep the filament off the print bed without having to raise the bed to maximum z height?
  3. Not sure if this is still an active thread, but I’m running into an issue that with the print head colliding with my finished print that seems to match what others describe here. I’ve now witnessed this behavior on 2 prints in a row: 1. The print is fine and the status of the print is complete. 2. The print head pauses over the print (possibly running the fan over the last bit of extrusion?) 3. The printer moves into a post print process where it extrudes filament off to the side of the print bed. **This is when the collision happens**. As the print head moves to the side, the bed also raises to the highest Z position, creating a direct line of impact with the print. Fortunately, both prints were not highly involved prints, and the impact of the print head knocked the print off the bed. Both prints sustained damage where the filament was not completely cool and the printer head made contact. Most of my prints have been relatively low profile so far, but I’m about to print a tall print that will most definitely be crushed at the end when the bed is raised to the top after the print, so I need to find a solution. Does anyone know if there’s a way to configure the post-print process?
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