Ahhhhh. Just now looked at the link. For XT print hotter 245c this is ok but will wear out the Teflon (white thing in the head) faster. So it will need replacement a bit earlier. For bronze / copper& glow in the dark it's best to use a exchangable nozzle. As the nozzle will wear faster you could use a stainless steel version. search this site for "olsson block" if you want exchangable nozzles on you um2.
Here's the link. So you dont need google... http://ultimaker.com/en/community/view/8689-custom-heater-block-to-fit-e3d-nozzle-on-ultimaker-2
All the recomended settings can be found on the Colorfabb website,
just click the "Tips & Trics"tab of the color you chose
Thanks for the replies. I'm ordering the party packs with different colours and materials as we speak. LOL.
Printing my second prototype with 20 micron layers. That's 50 layers per mm. Wow. If OK they will be used for casting. Think i'll open a blog on this project.
here's a good place to share your projects, we like to see what you make;
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ultiarjan 1,223
Sure you can . Just pay attention you buy 2.85 mm filament and you can use most any brand. Collorfab provides the info on adviced print settings on there website. I usually print slow. Around 35/40 mm/s and temp around 205c. For pla. But play with it a bit and see what you like/what suits your models.
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