The Problem ist, that it is always the first ground layers. in all my models
Hey tekknik,
Layerhight 0,04 mm ist very narrow to print. Can cause trouble due very high pressure in the Nozzle.
On which temperature do you print ?
Schichtstärke 0,04 mm ist sehr gering und potenziell immer Schwierigkeiten durch zu hohen Druck in der Druckdüse. Bei welcher Temperatur druckst du das ganze ?
Ich glaube mittlerweile dass es an der STL liegt da die Files die auf der SD waren normal gedruckt werden.
Der Unterschied der Ersten Lage mit 0,3 zu den nächsten mit 0,04 ist sehr groß, vielleicht liegst daran. Nimm mal für die erste Lage nur 0,1mm
Ja das sind aber die Standardeinstellungen vom cura
Mit welcher temperatur druckst du ?
Die Files von der SD Karte sind meines Wissens 0,1 mm Schichthöhe, daher passt es da besser.
Edited by Guestich drucke mit standard 210°C
Wie gesagt teste mal mit 0,1 mm schichthöhe und vielleicht 5° mehr
Ich hab den fehler. es war wirklich die Datei. Habs durch das netfabb repairtool gejagt und nun funktioniert es.
i got the error. The program where i export the files desstroyes in some way the SLT. so when i use the repair toll from netfabb it is printing correct
So problem solved? It needed "netfabb repair"?
You still seem to have quite heavy underextrusion. Like 50%. That's pretty severe. On the bottom layers.
I have no idea what kind of settings "high quality" is. It changes from version to version anyway in Cura. I suggest you try this: 35mm/sec (or slower) for ALL printing speeds (infill, shell, everything). 150mm/sec (or faster) for travel moves. Full fan. 210C. .1mm to .2mm layers. Brim. Bed at 60C.
Edited by Guestthx i will try this next time. its strange that it is only in the bottom layers. maybe it has something to do with that it want to make the infill but the hight is to low.
By default I think Cura sets the infill to print much faster. If you are printing thick layers (.2mm) and cool temperatures ( <220C ) then it could be that your infill is heavily underextruding and the printer doesn't recover at the walls because it has ground the filament up to powder. It may take a few layers of much-less-infill to recover. This is one possible theory. Another theory has to do with the fan coming on very slowly. Except I would have expected the opposite - bottom layers better. Another theory has to do with the heat from the bed - what temp do you use? but again I would have expected the opposite (warmer layers extrude more nicely - although maybe what I'm seeing is not underextrusion and the photo is just not close/detailed enough).
Edited by Guestone question, the temperature for the bed is to set up in der ultimaker directly. is'nt it? I Have to look but i think i have around 60-62. Another question ist 0.1 or 0.2mm not a bit to thick for good looking objects. Because ulti quality is at 0,04mm.
it looks like it is building no outer shell. but only in this small area.
one question, the temperature for the bed is to set up in der ultimaker directly. is'nt it? I Have to look but i think i have around 60-62. Another question ist 0.1 or 0.2mm not a bit to thick for good looking objects. Because ulti quality is at 0,04mm.
it looks like it is building no outer shell. but only in this small area.
Yes, temps and retraction are set directly in the "material profiles" in the printer. For the buildplate 60° is a bit high, but i won´t go deeper than 55°.
No, 0,1 isnt too thick, your object has no curved surface so the layers are only build on each other, so you will see only a little difference in comparsion to 0,04mm. The layerhigh is more important at objects such as a busts, sculptures or this
Edited by GuestI suggest you try this: 35mm/sec (or slower) for ALL printing speeds (infill, shell, everything). 150mm/sec (or faster) for travel moves. Full fan. 210C. .1mm to .2mm layers. Brim. Bed at 60C.
THX GR5, Your settings are amazing. Its not only a lot Faster but also much nicer. Crazy shit. Faster and better is perfekt. iam stoked
Edited by gr5Wow! Big difference. I don't like to go below .06mm layer height. Strange things can happen when you go below that. I think it was a combination of thin layer height with changing speeds.
Edited by Guest
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gr5 2,268
The area in the "not ok" shows typical underextrusion. You are extruding only about half as much filament as needed. I can't think of why it would be worse on the bottom - whatever the problem was it fixed itself. Perhaps there was some filament that got ground up and created a flap that was stuck in the bowden or the filament was tangled or perhaps you did something in the TUNE menu?
The most common cause of underextrusion is printing too fast or too cold.
Here are top recommended speeds for .2mm layers (twice as fast for .1mm layers):
20mm/sec at 200C
30mm/sec at 210C
40mm/sec at 225C
50mm/sec at 240C
The printer can do double these speeds but with huge difficulty and usually with a loss in part quality due to underextrusion.
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