It's a bad model. Did you create the model? You can repair it with netfabb on the web for free (google it) or if it's your model you can fix it yourself. You can see problem areas with "xray view" in cura (15.4 or older). The problem areas will show up as red.
or you might just want to try clicking some of the "fix horrible" checkboxes. There are 11 combinations so you might want to set layer height to .4mm while testing which is the correct combination but probably only "A" or "B" is enough for you.
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Rotary 1
Ok, now that I'm looking at the layers view in Cura, i see that the left leg is not showing up as it should. The whole front side of the leg is missing.
Also, the ears are separate of the figure it self. Only attached at the corners.
Hmmh. Useless..
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