DidierKlein 729
Printing from the SD Card?
Yes. I am saving the GCode to the SD Card that came with the Printer.
I find it interesting that if I pull in the working object from the SD Card (like the Ultimaker robot) and I resave it with the default settings in Cura that it now will not print.
Here is my Slice log from one of the files.
Running: C:\Program Files\Cura_15.04.2\CuraEngine.exe -v -p -s initialSpeedupLayers=4 -s minimalFeedrate=10 -s preSwitchExtruderCode= -s supportXYDistance=700 -s insetXSpeed=60 -s retractionZHop=0 -s extruderOffset[3].X=0 -s extruderOffset[3].Y=0 -s gcodeFlavor=1 -s postSwitchExtruderCode= -s retractionSpeed=40 -s filamentFlow=100 -s infillOverlap=15 -s inset0Speed=30 -s coolHeadLift=0 -s extrusionWidth=400 -s upSkinCount=6 -s initialLayerSpeed=20 -s minimalLayerTime=5 -s infillSpeed=80 -s supportExtruder=-1 -s fanSpeedMax=100 -s supportType=1 -s enableCombing=1 -s fanSpeedMin=100 -s supportZDistance=150 -s supportEverywhere=0 -s filamentDiameter=2850 -s initialLayerThickness=300 -s supportAngle=-1 -s fanFullOnLayerNr=2 -s extruderOffset[1].X=18000 -s extruderOffset[1].Y=0 -s layerThickness=100 -s endCode=M25 ;Stop reading from this point on.
-s minimalExtrusionBeforeRetraction=20 -s retractionMinimalDistance=1500 -s skirtMinLength=150000 -s objectSink=0 -s retractionAmount=4500 -s skinSpeed=15 -s skirtLineCount=1 -s startCode= -s skirtDistance=3000 -s extruderOffset[2].Y=0 -s extruderOffset[2].X=0 -s perimeterBeforeInfill=0 -s printSpeed=50 -s fixHorrible=1 -s layer0extrusionWidth=400 -s moveSpeed=150 -s supportLineDistance=2666 -s retractionAmountExtruderSwitch=16500 -s sparseInfillLineDistance=2000 -s insetCount=2 -s downSkinCount=6 -s multiVolumeOverlap=150 -g 49674 -m 1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0 -s posx=0 -s posy=0 $
Cura_SteamEngine version 15.04.2
Copyright © 2014 David Braam
Reading mesh from socket with 19716 vertexes
Loaded from disk in 0.016s
Analyzing and optimizing model...
Face counts: 6572 -> 6568 99.9%
Vertex counts: 19716 -> 3270 16.6%
Size: 41.147000 36.194000 3.809000
vMin: -20.573000 -18.097000 0.000000
vMax: 20.574000 18.097000 3.809000
vMin: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
vMax: 41.147000 36.194000 3.809000
Matrix: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Matrix: 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
Matrix: 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
Optimize model 0.031s
Slicing model...
Layer count: 36
Sliced model in 0.265s
Generating support map...
Generating layer parts...
Generated layer parts in 0.094s
Generated inset in 0.405s
Generated up/down skin in 1.077s
Wrote layers in 1.78s.
Wrote 2.7 kilobytes.
Total time elapsed 3.67s.
In case anyone is watching this thread for a solution, I found it.
The saved GCode files from Cura must be save to the UNENCRYPTED FOLDER of the SD Memory card. You can access that folder on the printer. All issues were resolved.
I knew it had to be something easy.
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IRobertI 521
I'm assuming that you've already selected the UM2 Extended as the machine you're using. Also, you should be using "UltiGCode" unless you're trying to do something fancy with the start&end code. It's when you aren't using "UltiGCode" that this warning pops up.
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