Well this could very well be a temperature issue. The way the Olsson block will perform for a given temperature can be quite different than the standard one, so you might have to raise the temp for the equivalent print to the original block, and then the feeder will perform nicely.
Another possibility is that the spring you have is simply not powerful enough, or you need a shorter yoke to add more pressure.
As you can see by wandering around teh intarwebz, IRobertI's extruder with the Olsson block is simply the most sensible upgrade route one can take at the moment, it is a common combination, so you have done the right thing so no worries there!
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neotko 1,417
On the youmagine page https://www.youmagine.com/users/iroberti#!activity there are lots of comments about the yoke and alternatives. Probably you can find help reading that or reading the pages of when it was created by IRobertI https://ultimaker.com/en/community/view/5393-ultimaker2-feeder-system-improvements-and-ideas
It's 59 pages of pure old ultimaker forum greatness.
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