Thanks for the response. I figured it was under-extrusion. I will post settings later today. Yes I have other filament to try.
yellowshark 153
I wonder what version of Cura you are using? Basis tab should have the extruder temp under Speed and Temp., unless it has been moved in one of the later versions. I cannot see it anywhere and it is err vital!
We need that, but for the moment note...
I would set your print, infill, interior wall, exterior wall speed settings to the same speed - just set the last four to 0. Whenever you change speed the pressure in the extruder changes and takes time to stabilise will cause for a short period of time some under/over extrusion which can cause artefacts to appear on the surface. If you want to go back to you settings after your problem is fixed, fine.
Personally I would set the minimum layer time to 10 secs, I think 5 is a bit low although some people get away with it.
You don't want the whole thing to print; either start and then stop or sink the model into the bed and start at the square peg round hole part.
I wonder what version of Cura you are using? Basis tab should have the extruder temp under Speed and Temp., unless it has been moved in one of the later versions. I cannot see it anywhere and it is err vital!
We need that, but for the moment note...
I would set your print, infill, interior wall, exterior wall speed settings to the same speed - just set the last four to 0. Whenever you change speed the pressure in the extruder changes and takes time to stabilise will cause for a short period of time some under/over extrusion which can cause artefacts to appear on the surface. If you want to go back to you settings after your problem is fixed, fine.
Personally I would set the minimum layer time to 10 secs, I think 5 is a bit low although some people get away with it.
You don't want the whole thing to print; either start and then stop or sink the model into the bed and start at the square peg round hole part.
Thanks for the suggestions, I will try them. I'm currently using 15.04 Cura.
yellowshark 153
Need the temperature before you try anything!
Also is this the 1st time you have used the filament? Have you used it before with same settings?
Also, not really related to the filament but to me .1 layer and 60mm/s is a bit of a strange combination - although I can see why with the circular piece you are going with .100. But thinner layer gives better quality and slower speed gives better quality and I think 60mm/s is a bit fast for quality.
Temperature: Nozzle- 210 and bed is 70. Material is PLA, if I didn't say that earlier. I can slow it down some, would 50m/s be better?
I wonder what version of Cura you are using? Basis tab should have the extruder temp under Speed and Temp., unless it has been moved in one of the later versions. I cannot see it anywhere and it is err vital!
When you set GCode-Type to "UltiGCode", Cura expects you to set the temperature on the printer and hides them.
You might want to have a look into this great Troubleshooting guide:
yellowshark 153
Ah, were I running Cura like that I guess I would have known Yes that is a great guide, you should read it @sopmod03.
OK personally I think .100 at 60mm/s and 210c is OK; for now it might help to slow it down a bit, say 40mm/s.
I would say you have a blockage or feed resistance. Personally I would make the settings changes that I have suggested and change to another non white colorfabb filament and give it another go; if that fails then it is most likely a blockage. Make sure that the filament you need for the print, e.g. 2 meter is loose on the spool with no friction - indeed I would place the spool on the desk or floor and unwind 2-3 mtr.
If this fails too then you need to debug a blockage - 1. do some atomic pulls; 2. check your white drive gear; 3 check for any resistance in your Bowden tube.
If you check some of the other postings for under-extrusion/atomic pulls etc. you will see instructions for these. Indeed I think the 3Dverkstan manual now has a link at the bottom for Atomic pulls.
You did not mention it and I did not ask, but did you hear any clicking whilst it was printing? (maybe you were not there). But listen this time as that is indicative of a blockage as it is caused by the drive gear slipping on the filament.
Yes I am getting the clicking sound from the feeder.. Thanks for your reply too.
yellowshark 153
Ah, in that case you have a blockage probably, wrong pressure setting on your drive gear possibly but maybe unlikely if you have been printing OK p until now, worn or deformed gear more likely if oyu have done hundreds of hours of printing - others are better qualified than I to comment on the longevity as I do not have a UM. Start with the Atomic pulls - use a different coloured filament so that you see the white filament being extracted. If you do not see any on the first pull then repeat the process a number of times anyway; and if you do see white filament then again keep on trying until it disappears.
Ok, thanks!
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yellowshark 153
Looks like under-extrusion, which could be due to a number of things. It would be helpful if you could post your settings, speeds, temps layer height. Do you have a different filament you can use to see if you get the same result?
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