I actually have a BeeThefirst+ printer (with gcode flavor set to RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter) and that's the gcode start script:
M206 X500
M104 S220
G92 E
M642 W1
M130 T6 U1.3 V80
G1 X-98.0 Y-20.0 Z5.0 F3000
G1 Y-68.0 Z0.3
G1 X-98.0 Y0.0 F500 E20
G92 E
I export gcode and then print the gcode in the beesoft application that come with the printer.
I am fairly new to printing and now I am not sure if I should edit the line M104 S220 each time I want to change the temperature to a different value or if I enter the variable M104 S(print_temperature) which is in the .ini file and corresponds to the value in the gui.
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gr5 2,265
I'm guessing you have the UMO. For UM2 typically Cura doesn't send any temperature reading to the printer and you set that up on the printer itself.
For both printers the temperature will be whatever happens most recently. So if you set the temp to value A and then tell it to PRINT it will read through the gcodes in order. When it gets to one like M104 it will switch to value B. If later you change the temp on the controller to temperature C it will then move to that value. If later a M104 shows up as the printer is reading the gcode line by line and it says temperature D then that takes precedence.
Whatever command (gcode or front panel) that is most recent is what the printer does.
Cura puts in the temp you specify in the gui (but again not for UM2 printers which use ultigcode which is a fancy way of saying the temperature is not mentioned).
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