Could you put abigger picture and also show us a pic from the 1rst support ?
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Heres a pic from the 1st support structure:
Its pretty normal in respects to being very thin and easily breaks away when pulled on with only fingers. Comparing to the first picture (2nd thick support above), is very solid, doenst even flex when using pliers, cannot be peeled away without first cutting with a metal tool. Its as thick or thicker than a part outside wall thickness. The overall problem is the support structure for the 2nd print (removing the support dmgs the part to much). What are the ways I can ensure that the support structure walls arent' super solid and super thick (first pic)? What are the machine settings that influence support wall thickness? I didnt change any settings from the first print to the 2nd yet the 2nd print support walls were 10x thicker in the same locations.Is it gcode? There were no differencees I know of: same machine, same stl file, even loaded saved profile settings from slicer(cura) . What would cause the support to suddenly go super steriod and become much much thicker?
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00D00B 58
Could you put abigger picture and also show us a pic from the 1rst support ?
We can't see anything right now...
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