I think all your problems can be fixed if you read the manual (link its bondtech.se/docs I think)
Thank you! I had checked the website of the reseller i got it from, but not of the maufacturer...
Oh well. it was not my best day anyway...
Thank you for your quick reply!
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neotko 1,417
I think all your problems can be fixed if you read the manual (link its bondtech.se/docs I think)
You can reverse two cables on the extruder to reverse it. Or you can install @amedee firmware builder that has the option the reverse the feeder. Link to the builder and some basic help to build the firmware https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/20983-ultimaker-original-custom-firmware-builder
Also. Ultimaker Marlin only allows one estep for all the feeders. So you might need to add the gcode (google marlin ultimaker gcode for the complete list) and send the correct esteps at the beginning of your gcode (for example a quick fix).
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