Your print looks like you have no or very little fan. I would mount another fan or direct the fan flow better at the print and make sure fan is at 100% by about 1mm off the bed (you want fan off for the very bottom layer).
Also reducing nozzle temp might help. Ignore absolute values like "180C is good" as 200C on an Ultimaker is probably 20C different then 200C on an i3.
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tommyph1208 55
It would be nice with a little more info about the machine and material you are using
But I'm going to go ahead and assume you are printing in PLA, in which case I would try and lower the bed temperature to around 50 and hotend temperature to around 180-185... Maybe some slightly lower print speed to go with the lower temp.
Your retraction settings also seem wierdly slow and short to me, but your printer being an i3, I assume it has a direct drive feeder rather that the bowden setup of UMs and thus, I am not sure of the optimal settings.
For reference I run something like 4.5 mm. at 60 mm./s on my bowden UM1
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