yes i check it! to be sure i replaced the entire step-driver + cable but still the same problem.
Well you verified the motor works elsewhere....driver and cable ok...
@Sandervg might be able to help
I'd say create a support ticket but I know when I click on it, it asks for a serial number which a UMO won't have.
Thanks LePaul for suggesting it! I sent an email to the support center and maybe they will reply to me :>
@Sandervg looking forward to hearing from you!
Edited by GuestHi @Riccardo18, thank you for your post.
I'm sure we will be able to help, and I think it was also a good call to get in touch with the professional support we have set up for you. I'm pretty sure they will also be able to help you out! Just make sure, if they get around to find the answer faster, to share it with us for future readers
Now, if I understand correctly, your Extruder motor stopped working all of the sudden.
Could you verify whether you have an Ultimaker Original, Ultimaker Original+ or an Ultimaker Original which is upgraded with a heated bed? The electronics are different on each so that is important information. I am guessing you have the regular Ultimaker Original, if not the below information is useless
It can have a variety of reasons, the most common are the motor itself broke, the stepper driver or the electronics. You tested if the motor broke by connecting it to the X-stepper driver and it worked, correct?
This could be easily tested by connecting your E-motor to the X-motor port on your pcb.
If you want to test a motor on the E-motor port; make sure to heat up your head. This may seem irrelevant, but in the firmware your printhead is protected that unless it is heated, you can not move filament. So even though you will command it to move, it won't if your printhead is cold.
So that leaves us with either the stepper driver or the pcb.
I understand you bought a new stepperdriver. Did you buy a similar one as that was initially installed on the pcb? Did you try to swap the E-motor stepperdriver with the X axis stepper driver?
If the X axis doesn't work, with the E-stepper driver, it is clear that the stepper driver is to blame.
If the X-axis works normally, most likely your pcb is defective.
In that case I would get in touch with your reseller and find a solution.
Let me know if you have passed all these steps and if you came to a similar conclusion or if you have any further questions!
Good luck!!
thank you soo much for replying and I will definitely try all your suggestions and be back asap.
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tommyph1208 55
Did you check the wires?
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