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CURA2.3 Crashes at startup, after choosing the printer type


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Posted · CURA2.3 Crashes at startup, after choosing the printer type


when i start cura2.3, it shows up the main window and it wants me to choose a printer.

After that it crashes.

Here the log, maybe, somebody might be able to help me.


The log file:

2016-10-25 20:14:10,527 - INFO - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Backend\Backend.py (startEngine [55]): Started engine process: C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura 2.3\CuraEngine.exe

2016-10-25 20:14:10,527 - DEBUG - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Backend\Backend.py (_backendLog [88]): [backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Cura 2.3\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '-j', 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Cura 2.3\\resources\\definitions\\fdmprinter.def.json', '']

2016-10-25 20:14:10,739 - DEBUG - C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura 2.3\plugins\MachineSettingsAction\MachineSettingsAction.py (_onContainerAdded [40]): Not attaching MachineSettingsAction to ultimaker3_extended; Multi-extrusion printers are not supported

2016-10-25 20:14:11,023 - DEBUG - C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura 2.3\plugins\MachineSettingsAction\MachineSettingsAction.py (_onContainerAdded [40]): Not attaching MachineSettingsAction to ultimaker2_extended_plus; Machines that use variants are not supported

2016-10-25 20:14:12,353 - DEBUG - C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura 2.3\plugins\MachineSettingsAction\MachineSettingsAction.py (_onContainerAdded [40]): Not attaching MachineSettingsAction to ultimaker3; Multi-extrusion printers are not supported

2016-10-25 20:14:12,465 - DEBUG - C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura 2.3\plugins\MachineSettingsAction\MachineSettingsAction.py (_onContainerAdded [40]): Not attaching MachineSettingsAction to ultimaker_original_dual; Multi-extrusion printers are not supported

2016-10-25 20:14:12,520 - DEBUG - C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura 2.3\plugins\MachineSettingsAction\MachineSettingsAction.py (_onContainerAdded [40]): Not attaching MachineSettingsAction to ultimaker2_plus; Machines that use variants are not supported

2016-10-25 20:14:18,005 - DEBUG - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Backend\Backend.py (_backendLog [88]): [backend]

2016-10-25 20:14:18,016 - DEBUG - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Backend\Backend.py (_backendLog [88]): [backend] Cura_SteamEngine version DEV

2016-10-25 20:14:18,016 - DEBUG - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Backend\Backend.py (_backendLog [88]): [backend] Copyright © 2014 David Braam

2016-10-25 20:14:18,026 - DEBUG - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Backend\Backend.py (_backendLog [88]): [backend]

2016-10-25 20:14:18,036 - DEBUG - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Backend\Backend.py (_backendLog [88]): [backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

2016-10-25 20:14:18,046 - DEBUG - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Backend\Backend.py (_backendLog [88]): [backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by

2016-10-25 20:14:18,056 - DEBUG - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Backend\Backend.py (_backendLog [88]): [backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

2016-10-25 20:14:18,066 - DEBUG - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Backend\Backend.py (_backendLog [88]): [backend] (at your option) any later version.

2016-10-25 20:14:18,076 - DEBUG - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Backend\Backend.py (_backendLog [88]): [backend]

2016-10-25 20:14:18,086 - DEBUG - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Backend\Backend.py (_backendLog [88]): [backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

2016-10-25 20:14:18,096 - DEBUG - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Backend\Backend.py (_backendLog [88]): [backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

2016-10-25 20:14:18,106 - DEBUG - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Backend\Backend.py (_backendLog [88]): [backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the

2016-10-25 20:14:18,111 - DEBUG - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Backend\Backend.py (_backendLog [88]): [backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

2016-10-25 20:14:18,111 - DEBUG - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Backend\Backend.py (_backendLog [88]): [backend]

2016-10-25 20:14:18,111 - DEBUG - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Backend\Backend.py (_backendLog [88]): [backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License

2016-10-25 20:14:18,112 - DEBUG - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Backend\Backend.py (_backendLog [88]): [backend] along with this program. If not, see .

2016-10-25 20:14:27,441 - DEBUG - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Backend\Backend.py (_logSocketState [165]): Socket state changed to Connected

2016-10-25 20:14:27,441 - DEBUG - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Backend\Backend.py (_onSocketStateChanged [155]): Backend connected on port 49674

2016-10-25 20:14:27,444 - DEBUG - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Controller.py (setActiveView [80]): Setting active view to SolidView

2016-10-25 20:14:28,644 - DEBUG - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Qt\Bindings\Theme.py (load [118]): Loading theme file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura 2.3\resources\themes\cura\theme.json

2016-10-25 20:14:28,841 - DEBUG - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Qt\Bindings\Theme.py (load [118]): Loaded theme C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura 2.3\resources\themes\cura

2016-10-25 20:14:28,950 - CRITICAL - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\cura\CrashHandler.py (show [24]): An uncaught exception has occurred!

2016-10-25 20:14:28,950 - CRITICAL - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\cura\CrashHandler.py (show [24]): TypeError: unable to convert a Python 'str' object to a C++ 'bool' instance

2016-10-25 20:14:28,953 - WARNING - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\cura\Settings\ContainerManager.py (getContainerMetaDataEntry [171]): Could not get metadata of container because it was not found.

2016-10-25 20:14:28,953 - CRITICAL - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\cura\CrashHandler.py (show [24]): An uncaught exception has occurred!

2016-10-25 20:14:28,953 - CRITICAL - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\cura\CrashHandler.py (show [24]): TypeError: unable to convert a Python 'str' object to a C++ 'bool' instance

2016-10-25 20:14:29,421 - DEBUG - C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura 2.3\plugins\UM3NetworkPrinting\DiscoverUM3Action.py (_createAdditionalComponentsView [133]): Creating additional ui components for UM3.

2016-10-25 20:14:29,764 - DEBUG - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Qt\GL\QtOpenGL.py (__init__ [19]): Initialized OpenGL subsystems.

2016-10-25 20:14:29,764 - DEBUG - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Qt\GL\QtOpenGL.py (__init__ [19]): OpenGL Version: 2.1.0 - Build

2016-10-25 20:14:29,764 - DEBUG - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Qt\GL\QtOpenGL.py (__init__ [19]): OpenGL Vendor: Intel

2016-10-25 20:14:29,764 - DEBUG - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Qt\GL\QtOpenGL.py (__init__ [19]): OpenGL Renderer: Mobile Intel® 4 Series Express Chipset Family

2016-10-25 20:14:40,117 - DEBUG - C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura 2.3\plugins\AutoSave\AutoSave.py (_onTimeout [46]): Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles

2016-10-25 20:15:20,342 - DEBUG - C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura 2.3\plugins\USBPrinting\USBPrinterOutputDevice.py (_connect [298]): Attempting to connect to COM11

2016-10-25 20:15:20,343 - WARNING - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\OutputDevice\OutputDeviceManager.py (removeOutputDevice [123]): Could not find output device with id COM11 to remove

2016-10-25 20:15:20,967 - DEBUG - C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura 2.3\plugins\USBPrinting\USBPrinterOutputDevice.py (_connect [298]): Attempting to connect to printer with serial COM11 on baud rate 115200

2016-10-25 20:15:27,488 - DEBUG - C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura 2.3\plugins\USBPrinting\USBPrinterOutputDevice.py (_connect [298]): Attempting to connect to printer with serial COM11 on baud rate 250000

2016-10-25 20:15:29,002 - DEBUG - C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura 2.3\plugins\USBPrinting\USBPrinterOutputDevice.py (_connect [298]): Correct response for auto-baudrate detection received.

2016-10-25 20:15:29,006 - DEBUG - C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura 2.3\plugins\USBPrinting\USBPrinterOutputDevice.py (_connect [298]): Correct response for auto-baudrate detection received.

2016-10-25 20:15:29,010 - DEBUG - C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura 2.3\plugins\USBPrinting\USBPrinterOutputDevice.py (_connect [298]): Correct response for auto-baudrate detection received.

2016-10-25 20:15:29,063 - INFO - C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura 2.3\plugins\USBPrinting\USBPrinterOutputDevice.py (_listen [448]): Printer connection listen thread started for COM11

2016-10-25 20:15:29,077 - INFO - C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura 2.3\plugins\USBPrinting\USBPrinterOutputDevice.py (_connect [298]): Established printer connection on port COM11

2016-10-25 20:15:37,148 - WARNING - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\cura\Settings\ContainerManager.py (getContainerMetaDataEntry [171]): Could not get metadata of container because it was not found.

2016-10-25 20:15:37,227 - CRITICAL - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\cura\CrashHandler.py (show [24]): An uncaught exception has occurred!

2016-10-25 20:15:37,227 - CRITICAL - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\cura\CrashHandler.py (show [24]): TypeError:

2016-10-25 20:15:37,228 - CRITICAL - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\cura\CrashHandler.py (show [24]): An uncaught exception has occurred!

2016-10-25 20:15:37,228 - CRITICAL - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\cura\CrashHandler.py (show [24]): TypeError: unable to convert a Python 'str' object to a C++ 'bool' instance

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    • 2 weeks later...
    Posted (edited) · CURA2.3 Crashes at startup, after choosing the printer type

    Disconnect your printer. Then try to start Cura and select your Printer.

    The log shows it failing after it connects to your printer. Could be just a coincidence...or not...

    Edited by Guest
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    Posted · CURA2.3 Crashes at startup, after choosing the printer type

    Hello Dahai8,

    thank you for your reply. Your suggestion with disconnecting the printer didn't solve the problem. My opinion is that the grafic card is to old.

    It's an Mobile Intel® 4 Series Express Chipset Family Card. Processor is an INTEL centrino 2 Duo with an SSD and 4GB.

    Maybe the laptop is to weak for this program.

    On my girlfriends desktop which is one of the latest, everything runs smoothly.


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    Posted · CURA2.3 Crashes at startup, after choosing the printer type

    Hello Dahai8,

    thank you for your reply. Your suggestion with disconnecting the printer didn't solve the problem. My opinion is that the grafic card is to old.

    It's an Mobile Intel® 4 Series Express Chipset Family Card. Processor is an INTEL centrino 2 Duo with an SSD and 4GB.

    Maybe the laptop is to weak for this program.

    On my girlfriends desktop which is one of the latest, everything runs smoothly.



    Hi Tony,

    I have exactly the same problem as you have, however, I tried to select a customized printer and this work - also all other printers, even UMO and UMO+.

    However, when I tried UM Go or higher Cura chrash.. So what can it be?

    I’m using Win 7 / 64 bit pro.

    Intel dual core DUO CPU 2 GHz Ram 8 Gb and 525 Gb SSD.

    Grapic card: Intel Mobile R Express 965 chipset family.



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    Posted · CURA2.3 Crashes at startup, after choosing the printer type

    Hello Torgeir,

    my opionion is that the grahic card used, causes the problems. I showed the problem to some friends of mine. They say that i could be a programming issue with the python script, or maybe not all graphic chips are supported.

    Mybe one of the next verions of cura will solve the problem. I've tried Cura 2.3.1, but still the same.

    Thanks for your reply.



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