Hi mbef,
Maybe you'll need something like this..
Check the pitch, the distance between the solder holes..
Just a shot..
Hi mbef,
Maybe you'll need something like this..
Check the pitch, the distance between the solder holes..
Just a shot..
Hey Torgeir, thanks for that ... yep, I was looking at those, but I was rather hoping to find the exact connector - that way, I won't have to do too much improvisation around mounting and fixing it. I've become a bit cautious after the smoke and sparks :-)
If your in the US FBRC8 has the bed parts. I had the same exact thing happen to me and they sent me a new bed and connectors. They told me UM had problems with this so they changed the connection type to push pins.
This is what my connector looked like when I hit it with the FLIR. I was noticing a smell for a few weeks that smelt like wet dog and couldnt find the source until I started seeing smoke.
Just realized I never posted the outcome here. This is what happened:
I tried hard to fit ... well, anything ... to the bed. I couldn't source the right connector, as it's supplied with the bed as a complete unit. But the pads that I was trying to connect to were badly frazzled anyway, and gradually the whole area disintegrated; there was nothing stable to solder anything to. Problem was that the whole bed acted as a massive heat-sink, and I couldn't inject enough local heat to control the solder. The thermistor started falling off too...
I contacted Creat3D - our original vendor - who were helpful, but in the end I just bought another bed from them, which was quite expensive but was a quick and non-bodged solution. The new bed has a different - far better - style of connector, so I'm glad I did it. The cost is filed under "reasonable wear and tear".
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mbef 0
Actually, let me simplify the question: Does anyone know where I can source a replacement heated bed 4w connector, please?
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