when you have the selection tool active, there is a submenu on your left. The crease angle thres is a slider to set the degree angle between the triangels (hit W to see the triangles). This means that by default the slider is 0 and it selects everything, When set to 45 the selection stops at this angle and leaves the triangles alone across the 45 degree border.
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peggyb 171
in Meshmixer you could select the inner surface and delete it. In the selection section you can set a degree angle where the selection stops (crease angle thres). Select a section on top of you vase and hit F (erase and fill). Or delete the inside and use Analysis -> Inspector.
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simmonsstummer 0
thank you so much! This could help me a lot!
But i'm not so familiar with this can you explain better how to use the crease angle thres?
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