DidierKlein 729
Yep looks like your walls have no thickness or a thickness smaller than 0.4mm
If you are beginning with 3d modelling i would advise you to go with something else than sketchup (if the idea is to model for 3d printing).
Sketchup is great but not really for 3d printing. Fusion 360 is a good alternative. (just my 2cents)
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SandervG 1,522
Hi @Aartek, thank you for your message.
It sounds like you are at the start of a very interesting journey. Hopefully, we'll be able to provide you with lots of help.
Do the walls of your model have a certain thickness? If they are too thin, Cura won't detect them as printable and ignore during slicing.
Did you make one solid mesh out of your model?
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