I totally disagree your with your answer. There is NO retraction in the the g-code. Even when the first layer is printed there is a sometimes a retraction. Sometimes printing the brim. See https://ultimaker.com/en/community/16596-retraction-issue
there is a video example I found today.
If I lower the maximum E-current from 1300mA to a lower value (1000mA) then this retract is far more often. So my conclusion is that the Marlin firmware does this.
So your hope that this helps is: NO.
My hope is now that you agree with me and/or someone else can help. Anyway thanks for your time and answer though.
Regards Jaap.
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DaHai8 74
There's not really a piece of code in the Marlin Firmware that does retractions. You won't find a 'retract filament' method or subroutine.
Retractions are done in the g-code using the move commands: G0 (rapid) & G1 (normal)
specifying a negative value (when using relative moves), or a lower value than the previous one (for absolute moves), for the Ennn Parameter is what does a filament retraction.
The g-codes are created by the slicer (Cura) and sent to the printer. All the firmware does is read the movement command and then rotate the motors the correct direction and speed.
Hope this helps.
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