Pull the tube out of the hotend, take it to the front right corner (the furthest corner), see how long you can stick it under the height of linear rod without too much bending.
The next thing you need to concern is the fast forward filament run while loading filament. You need to make sure the extruder doesn't outrun your Bowden tube, otherwise the filament is going to shove into the nozzle and be grinded by the extruder.
In the 2.1 Marlin firmware, default Bowden length is set to 705mm (set as FILAMANT_BOWDEN_LENGTH in Configuration.h tab).
And the fast forward length is FILAMANT_BOWDEN_LENGTH-50mm (set as FILAMENT_FORWARD_LENGTH in UltiLCD2_menu_material.h)
If you cut the Bowden tube, better subtract 705 with the length you cut off.
With your problem of Bowden tube not being up right, you could also try a Bowden tube hook to restrain the position. I made one before: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2154124
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kmanstudios 1,120
"What Defines the Length of the Bowden Tube?"
The beginning and the end, of course!!
Buh dum PSSSSshhhhhhh....
sorry, I could not resist. Just a moment of silliness that you probably did not need.
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