Thanks but the problem is with the USB printing, card printing is fine. I am wondering which setting I have wrong!!
Thanks but the problem is with the USB printing, card printing is fine. I am wondering which setting I have wrong!!
I am still battling with this, I installed RepetierHost 1.0.5 and that prints fine via usb but I always get a weird first layer with Cura 2.7.0 via USB
Please help!!!
I am still battling with this, I installed RepetierHost 1.0.5 and that prints fine via usb but I always get a weird first layer with Cura 2.7.0 via USB
Most likely your printer does some additional steps, if the print is started from the sdcard (homing, bed leveling? whatever...). I doubt that this can be changed with a specific setting in Cura. But perhaps it's possible with a suitable start gcode script. Is the printer definition for Cura made by yourself? Can you ask the manufacturer of the printer?
Its a Prusa I3 clone so i am using that profile. There are lots of these out there so I figured I was doing something wrong. Thanks for the suggestion, I will try supplier.
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gr5 2,224
It seems to be getting random read errors on your card. I've seen this before. Occasionally an X or Y value is set to zero or 1 meter or something and the head moves up to the edge of the build.
It can be caused by:
10 dust/dirt where memory card touches the contacts. This has happened to me and I fixed with a vacuum cleaner and some q-tips with alcohol.
2) bad memory card - try a different one
3) cable cross talk. Try moving the ribbon cables farther from each other and farther from any other electric signals. Just a few mm farther is enough.
#2 is the easiest to test for. #1 is the most likely.
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