Hi gr5,
The head is about 35 mm behind the center and 15 mm on the right.
Yes, I have tried a couple of different adjustments but it didn't fix my issue. About the travel limits after homing, yes this is accurate and gives me the right positioning in pronterface.
About reset to factory settings, you mean in cura ?
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gr5 2,230
How far off are you talking about? Is it off by say 5mm? 10mm? Is the bed centered under the max travel positions?
Your notes are not all clear. It looks like you are editing Marlin, right? Is that accurate? You keep rebuilding Marlin? Know that when you upgrade Marlin it takes some of the values from your older installation and to get the new values you have to do "reset to factory settings". I think that steps/mm are among those but not sure about Y_MAX_POS for example.
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