A while back I posted how in windows to figure out which com port is the one with the arduino. I'm too lazy to search for it but you could. I bet it's not com3.
A while back I posted how in windows to figure out which com port is the one with the arduino. I'm too lazy to search for it but you could. I bet it's not com3.
Thanks for the answers,
Well, when I plug the machine I see the Arduino appearing in the COM section of the device manager, and it says COM3. It's still possible that it's actually not using this port?
gr5 you are right though, it was initially displayed on COM16, but I already couldn't connect, so I manually changed it to COM3 (you can do this from the device manager, and I sometimes set up my system like this for another machine at work where software expects things on fixed hardcoded port numbers) thinking that maybe the COM was too high and not detected.
I will try to uninstall the driver and reinstall again...
Some people have had a problem with a new UM where they couldn't connect to the arduino unless they removed it from the UM board. The USB cable is all you need to power it up so you can remove it from the board (very carefully!!! easy to break or bend a pin!) power it up, replace the firmware, and then put it back onto the UM. At least 2 people had to do this recently.
Try an older version of Cura ,I get loads of comms errors with 13.04, I went back to 12.** and no issues, I don't use anything else now.
In case It can help someone passing by: removing the Arduino from the UM board didn't help. Using older version of Cura neither.
After many tries I think I managed to reupload one time the basic Blink Arduino example.
In the end I got a new Arduino, and now everything is fine
Don't know what was the problem with my original Arduino, but it has to do with uploading code to it.
I had exactly the same problem with my new Ultimaker, I was able to solve it by updating the FW.
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Daid 306
Maybe the drivers are not installed properly? This sometimes happens (due to, you know, windows being windows), COM3 could not be the printer but some other device.
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