Disabled the "check SD" and that made the progress bar show up, but did not fix the freezes.
Disabled virus scanner (kasperksky) and the freezes are gone :-)
Disabled the "check SD" and that made the progress bar show up, but did not fix the freezes.
Disabled virus scanner (kasperksky) and the freezes are gone :-)
If it's every 5 seconds, then it's the SD card detection feature which can be disabled in the preferences. If it's when the slicing is starting, then it's the virus scan issue.
I'm working on both issues and will most likely upload a test version at the end of this day.
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gr5 2,294
So Daid is working on this. The next version might fix it. There are potentially two things that cause this. The first one is that cura is looking for the SD card reader so if you uncheck that feature under "preferences" that might fix your problem. The second is that cura is launching a program each time you change a setting. On most computers that takes under 100ms but if you have virus checker software it can take 5 seconds. So the second workaround is to disable the virus checker.
However both of these issues will probably be resolved in the next version of cura (13.6.3?).
Note that most people don't have these problems - probably one in 20 people do.
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