It looks like a bros chocolate bar
Totally looks like a chocolate bar yummy
Really nice model, came out great! Good job
I did a video to explain the whole process, from modelling in blender (though it's not for beginners) to polishing
This one is less experimental, and more classic:
It's a model of the village where our fablab is located. The name is St Cyr de Favières and it will host the meeting of all the St-Cyr villages of France. So every one of them will receive a small model of the village as a souvenir.
I used Blender for modelling, and used pictures, map of the village and aerial view as a reference. The aim was not accuracy but that the village was recognizable. Therefore I had to balance between lack of time and printability to choose which details to models.
I made two versions, one full that takes 25 hours to print (0.1mm), and a smaller one with only the central part (6hours to print in 0.2mm). As I have 22 of them to print, they will have the smaller one, printed in Colorfabbwoodfill that gives a nice not so plastic feeling.
Wow, excellent designs, dude!
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viralata 78
Bronzefill looks so nice I had to try with another architectural test. This filament just change the way you feell the printed part: heavy; shiny; even the sound is different. It really gives a precious and valuable aspect to prints:
may I say that my wife told me that the building looks like something else, I let you guess what...
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