Thanks for your advice, appreciate the light does highlight issues on that filamant more than on the silver but there are definitely more imperfections on the red model which are visible to the eye when not in direct sunlight etc. I think i angled them like that to highlight them a little more for the picture.
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gr5 2,295
These "errors" in the red print are very tiny - much smaller than the eye should be able to see. So how do we see it? With glint. Having a light bulb in the ceiling and holding the piece such that tiny changes in angle have large changes in contrast which let you see these errors.
You don't see the errors in the gray because it doesn't have the same kind of shiny sheen to it. It's more Matte. Also, it's a lighter color making the glint have less contrast.
So one solution is to spray paint your prints. First coat should be a primer - I like automobile primers which are designed to stick to both metal and plastic. Then use a Matte color on top.
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