Working on improving the Mechanical build wiki, but it takes at least 4-8 hours to get one part of the wiki done. Currently the guy who is helping me is gone for the rest of the week and I dont have too much time to spend on the wiki.
Currently we finished part 1 (frame) and 7 (electronics, which was a horrible mess btw) but all the other parts are still a mess and many of the pictures are outdated. It would help us a lot if people would look over the build instructions and edit where necessary.
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Daid 306
There should be no gap between the bowden tube and the brass. Having a gap there will be a disaster as PLA will build up in there and you'll get the famous plug.
I have a 1mm gap between the aluminum plate and part 8B, because my tube sticked out a bit to far when I re-assembled my printer head. It prints great, without any problems. But 3mm sounds as a bit much. Just make sure the connection between the tube and the brass is perfect. But be careful with both the brass and the peek, it's easy to break both!
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