Is there any way for a debug start or some other way of investigating this problem?
Is there any way for a debug start or some other way of investigating this problem?
I went back with previous releases. The version 2.31 64 is the last one that worked on my PC. Did anything happen from 2.31 to 2.4?
I still expiring the same Problem. The previews Version did start but did not found my Printer and 3.3.1. does not start even.
Tried to start it as a Admin and other stuff, no way to open it on windows 10 x64. Feel mad i am bound to Repetier Host since many month, because i expire bugs any time in a new Version. Feeling a bit mad about, because i was realy interested to test the Ironing function with a Flat Head Sapphire Prototype Noozle...
my issue was solved by upgrading the graphics drivers. Since 2.3.1 Cura is using a newer version of open-GL. If oyur problems started with later versions, that might not be the solution.
I do not contact the printer from Cura, I use an octopi for that.
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nallath 1,125
Odd. I don't see anything weird in the logs (or anything that would explain any form of crash)
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