Do you read C++, if so, here's the proof:
, train->getSettingInMicrons("skirt_brim_line_width")
* ((storage.getSettingAsPlatformAdhesion("adhesion_type") == EPlatformAdhesion::RAFT) ? 1.0 : line_width_factor_per_extruder[extruder_nr]) // cause it's also used for the draft/ooze shield
, layer_thickness
, (layer_nr == 0)? train->getSettingInPercentage("material_flow_layer_0") : train->getSettingInPercentage("material_flow")
, GCodePathConfig::SpeedDerivatives{train->getSettingInMillimetersPerSecond("skirt_brim_speed"), train->getSettingInMillimetersPerSecond("acceleration_skirt_brim"), train->getSettingInMillimetersPerSecond("jerk_skirt_brim")}
Just kidding! How about this, let's play spot the difference...
So it looks from the code and the layer view that the brim is influenced by the initial layer flow.
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burtoogle 516
Looking at the code, the flow for the skirt and brim is controlled by Initial Layer Flow setting.
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Strijar 0
In this photo the flow for brim is 120%. Does this look like 120%? But the flow of filling (in right part) is 115%. That's like 115%
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