I have no idea how that could happen (PostProcessing too? That plugin ships with Cura!). @ianpaschal?
Yes. by installing cura-plugin-um3networkprinting I was able to validate the plugin in the plugin manager, but this one still does not add the button in the printer manager.
What distribution of Cura do you use? The PPA? Note that that is not supported by Ultimaker. Have you tried the AppImage?
@ahoeben Difficult to know without the logs but it looks like either the plugin is corrupted or it's the wrong version for this version of Cura. Can't really diagnose without knowing Cura version and logs and such.
so here I have version 3.5 of cura https://launchpad.net/~thopiekar/+archive/ubuntu/cura-master
on Linuxmint 19.
where can I find the logs on my system?
et du coup il y a des log récupérable dans mint pour cura ? ou une option à modifier pour qu'il les enregistre ?
There is no Cura 3.5 from Ultimaker... The latest stable version is 3.4.1. Maybe the version number is causing these plugins to fail loading?
This is the master version of the github.
But I understand that, because of this, it does not necessarily work well.
I will watch this weekend
I prefer ppa to be updated automatically, rather than appimages.
Ultimaker doesn't release the PPA version, only AppImage (as that works on all Linux distro's, and the Linux user group is very small compared to Windows and MacOS, less then 1%).
and therefore as the number is small, who cares, right?
thank you for your attention.
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ahoeben 2,012
What remains grey exactly? Please be a little more descriptive so I can help.
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