thanks !, just tried wall compensation disabled and it didn't make any difference, I am printing with a 0.6 nozzle, 0.35 layer hight. 0.6 line width.
Sorry, I don't have an answer but one thing I have noticed is that UM advocate using nozzle sizes that are equal or even larger than the line widths specified in the slicer. Perhaps that works for UM nozzles but it is completely the opposite to what I do myself on my non-UM machines that have e3d v6 hotends. So, if you have a 0.4mm nozzle for your printer, please try the same print, using 0.6mm line widths and see what happens. I print 0.6mm wide lines using a 0.4mm nozzle often with no problems.
Thanks for looking, I can’t work it out, I designed a test peice, a simple cross symbol with the same dimensions and all the legs print fine, no gaps, so it’s not a mechanical issue, I checked all the belts etc and gave them a tightness tweak for good measure. I also tried printing two of the problematic model at the same time, one in the default orientation and one at 90 decrease, in this scenario they are both fine !, so I thought maybe it’s due to the retraction from traversing between models somehow reduces the inderextrusion after layer change, so I enabled retract at layer change, and that didn’t fix it !. I have no idea, in one orientation on just that model it seems to under extrude right after the layer change. Print another model or rotate through 90 deg or print two models then it’s fine ?.
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burtoogle 516
Hi, @Link, could you please attach the project file (.3mf) or at least the model (.stl) so I can take a look. Thanks.
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