yellowshark 153
If you have the model loaded in Cura 3.xx can you go to the scale icon on the left hand side and tell us what the x/y/z dimensions are please.
If you have the model loaded in Cura 3.xx can you go to the scale icon on the left hand side and tell us what the x/y/z dimensions are please.
It's a Ultimaker 2
Here I loaded a very small item and showing the scale:
The machine settings regarding the buildplate are:
Thanks for answer my post by the way:-)
Have you created the Cura printer profile from scratch after updating Cura or was it the profile you had before?
So maybe there was a problem with updating the printer definition/configuration and maybe it helps if you delete the printer in Cura and add it again.
Yes, and I'm using the default settings and have also tryed on different computers.
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ahoeben 1,986
You don't give us much to work with. What printer do you use? Can you attach a project (File -> Save...)?
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