When I scale the model, some the main gable will come out fine with no space but then the dormers will only slice a little.
I don't know what is wrong here. Maybe Sketchup does not export the .stl file properly.
Please try one of the stl repair services and see if Cura slices correctly.
Look at the part in xray view - anything red is an error. That often shows the problem. There are many issues with sketchup as it lets you create non-manifold parts (non-solid parts) and infinitely thin walls (which are printed properly by not printing at all).
Make sure all surfaces are white - any surface in sketchup that is gray - you right click on it and swap surfaces to make it white. That will make a big difference to cura as now cura knows the inside versus the outside of your seemingly random walls.
Much more info here and this is easy reading:
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Nicolinux 288
I assume that the exported model has some errors. You could check it with a tool such as Netfabb or other similar online services.
Btw. for such a large model, you don't need to print with "Brim" since the bed adhesion will be pretty good (if you print with PLA or similar materials).
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