Thanks for your reply. The better autoleveling, is it that good? Most of the times the auto leveling on my UM3 works very well and the first layer is perfect. But sometimes the first layer is very bad. I do autolevel before each print. So you say that the autoleveling is more reliable on the UMS5? That is a big plus.
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Smithy 1,146
I have both printers and I couldn't tell which one was quieter. The S5 isn't any louder than the UM3, but I can't tell if it's even quieter.
In general, the S5 is a great printer, and I really like it. Apart from the specifications and the differences you already know, I couldn't say what's so special about the S5, but I now prefer to print with the S5 rather than the UM3.
The build room is great and you have a lot of space. I also have the feeling that the multipoint leveling makes the objects stick better to the glass plate and you get a more perfect first layer.
Let me know if you have any other specific questions.
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