Sorry, I meant to include that. Cura is fully up to date. I am using a Printrbot Simple Metal with a F4 board. I do not know which firmware I have on it and I am not really even sure how to update the firmware as Printrbot is no more and I never could get their firmware tool to work.
It looks as though I need a program called Arduino and then use the .hex file created there to upload that firmware to the printrboard. Does that sound accurate?
tinkergnome 927
Well, if it worked before you don't need to change the firmware, do you?
All you need is the correct gcode command for the start script. Or do you have changed anything else?
Does the printer have a display and is there a function that shows the firmware and version?
Or: if it is connected via USB the firmware usually prints some status messages on the serial console.
Sorry, but i guess the Ultimaker community will not be generally helpful in case of special questions about a Printrbot...
Is this not the forum I would use to ask about Cura software? I apologize if I am in the wrong place. I did not think this question Printrbot specific but more software related. It appears that is not the case....?
I do not have an LCD display and I am unsure how to check my firmware version. I have tried several different gcode commands that are designed for bed leveling and none of them have done what I needed them to do. It will either check 3 points or none.
tinkergnome 927
17 hours ago, khutchinson22 said:I did not think this question Printrbot specific but more software related. It appears that is not the case....?
That's my impression, yes.
You can add any GCode command to the start script in Cura - and it seems like you already know how to do this.
But nearly every firmware uses it's own "flavor" and interprets it in a different way. In most cases the version is also important, because available features and gcode parameters differ.
You need the specific command that is correct for your printer model. And this is impossible to guess, if you don't know the firmware that is running.
Most printer profiles for non-Ultimaker printers are contributed by third parties and are not maintained, changed or tested by the developers of Cura. If older versions of Cura had a different start script for your printer model - perhaps can you install one of the older versions and compare the settings for your selected printer?
I had saved my settings from a previous version of Cura and the command (G29) has not changed. Only the response to the command.
I appreciate the clarification. I will dig a little deeper with this new information and see what I can find. Thank you for taking the time to explain it.
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tinkergnome 927
The G29 command is probably part of the start script and the latter can be edited in Cura in in the "Machine settings" dialog.
If you're unsure about the possible options you should at least mention which firmware (and which version) your printer uses...?
This link maybe helpful:
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