Another test result.
I dismounted the build plate and measured the temperature sensor PT100. The resistance was exactly correct, so no problems there. All wires wire fixed, no loose connections or anything.
After re-mounting I set the build plate temperature manually. It indicated an actual temperature of 23 degrees, which was correct. I set it to 60 degrees and allowed the build plate to heat up. I measured the temperature with an infrared thermometer and it varied between 57 and 53 degrees, but it was still creeping higher.
My conclusion: No hardware problem at all.
Now I tried to print, and the old problem re-occurred. After a short while, the "Max Temp error" on the build plate happened again.
So everything points to a firmware bug, occurring when you try to print. I do not understand why you can set manually the temperature correctly, but as soon as it comes from a print command thing go awry.
Again, does anyone have an idea how to get back the old firmware???
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RonBreukers 0
As a follow-up to my previous post.
I got the WIFI working again by "CURA Connect reset". After that I could setup the network again.
I tried to set the build plate temperature manually. The indicated temperatures were very erratic. Within 5 seconds it went from 25 to 60 degrees. The build plate just luke warm. After a short while, the indicated temperature dropped to 37 degrees and started to gradually climb as the heat plate warmed up. The plate stabilised at 60 degrees, and at the touch it could be the correct temperature.
Now I tried to print. The brim came loose at 3 of the 4 sides as the build plate cooled off.
Next try was to print with the build plate setting at 68 degrees. Result: "Max temp error on the build plate. Go to" No way to get out of this error. Switch off and on again just comes back to this screen. The temperature of the plate is no more than 25 degrees by the way.
I waited 10 minutes and switched on again. The screen shows "Print failed. remove the print...." and indicates a build pate temperature of 105 degrees and falling.
Something amiss with the firmware or (just at the same time as the firmware update) something wrong with the build plate temperature sensor???
Firmware installed:5.2.8 20190320. Hardware type ID: 9066
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