New poster here, been using an Ultimaker 3 now for about 8 months and I've recently started using adhesion sheets as I've started printing with CPE+. Trying to get more then one use out of them like the original poster stated. I've been trying to remove my first prints with razor blades to separate it from the adhesion sheet but haven't been able to do so without damaging the sheet. I can't image plastic wedges would work as it's really difficult for me to move the prints with the metal razor blade alone as it's really adhered to the sheet. Would anyone have any tips to help remove prints from the adhesion sheets? Is it better to remove the print when the plate is still warm? I've only removed prints when it's completely cooled. I would like to try and get more than one use out of them but I'd still be thrilled if I could remove them easier. Also Ultimaker says you can use Magigoo Original for adhesion also for CPE+. For those that have used Magigoo Original glue stick, how does it work with CPE+? Still adhere good to prevent warping?
Hi @ekstevens135,
the newer the sheets are, the more difficult is the removal.
I use them primary for printing ABS and I've noticed that removing the prints while the glass plate is still warm (at about 50°C, cold enough to take it out of the printer, in no case hotter than 60°C) the prints are easier to remove than from a cold plate.
I usually take it of the printer and turn it around, so I can see the underside of the sheets, then with a knife blade, I try to lift one edge of the print (lifting can be seen from the other side), just enough to work a plastic wedge between the print and the sheet. Then, it's just a matter of time pushing the wedge slowly further, monitoring the lifting process from the other side.
For CPE+ you can also use any other adhesion agent, like Dimafix for example. But more important is, that you cover the front of the printer, to keep the warm air inside the printer and prevent cold streams from outside. This helps a lot against warping.
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Enigma_M4 125
At the first two sheets I used, I bent the overhang over the edge of the glass plate and left it even after they "stretched" again (also a good grip for removal of the used sheet), meanwhile i cut them off (looks better, but it's harder to peel off an edge for removal).
Reuseability is good if not treated with sharp edges during removal of the print. I use plastic wedges to remove the print from the sheet (for example these: ) and used the last adhesion sheet for nearly four (4!) months until i replaced it (one or two small cuts can happen and are ok, more are not esthetical anymore).
And of course, I don't use them, where not adviced (for example printing TPU).
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