Well it's really hard to tell.
One issue is that the PLA doesn't seem to be cooling down enough when you get to the 3 "fins". So slice two of these parts so that it can do a layer on one part and then go do the other part while the first part is cooling a bit. This will make it easier to see what the other issues are.
Is the fan working for this part? You want the fan blowing on the part and not the nozzle. Is it a good breeze? Feel the breeze with your fingers. Many people design fan shrouds badly. I'm thinking you might have too much back pressure for the fans to work and need to open up your shroud. Or maybe the nozzle cools too much when the fans come on.
So you have zero retractions until you get to the 3 fins. So the second issue to tackle are retraction issues. What is the retraction amount and the retraction speed? Try at 1/10 current speed just to see if it's a speed issue. when building a cusom printer you need to examine all the settings (jerk, acceleration, max velocity) and find out where the steppers can't go any faster. This includes the extruder. Maybe when it retracts it's fine but when it tries to un-retract if fails and you get underextrusion. Feel the filament while it does the retraction. Does it feel like it retracted the right amount? Look over all the retraction settings in cura. Watch the printer print very carefully. Use reading glasses. Slow the printer down to see if it gets better. Try to see what's different when it "works" and when it doesn't.
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