Usually when parts are missing, they are too thin to slice. You can design it thicker (> nozzle size) or try the settings "Print thin walls".
Additionally for horizontal things, the layer height must be lower than the design.
And I merged your double post here, because it is a bad idea to post the same thing twice and makes answers more difficult to read.
5 hours ago, Smithy said:Usually when parts are missing, they are too thin to slice. You can design it thicker (> nozzle size) or try the settings "Print thin walls".
Additionally for horizontal things, the layer height must be lower than the design.
ive always made models in this wall thickness. whats weird is when i rotate it the ones that were missing come back and other sides go away. its like all the 90 degree sides disappear for some reason. ill try what you said to see if it makes a difference.
5 hours ago, Smithy said:And I merged your double post here, because it is a bad idea to post the same thing twice and makes answers more difficult to read.
oh awesome thanks! yeah i accidentally made a second post because i thought the first one didnt go through, i couldnt find it. when i found it i couldnt figure out how to delete it. thanks!
any ideas??
kmanstudios 1,120
Without the model to examine, it is a guessing game. Can you share the model to be checked?
And I just noticed that it is a sketchup model, which is notorious for creating issues with 3D printing.
Edited by kmanstudios
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Fernandez924 0
hello im new to the forum
im having some issues
ive made a few designs and dealed with cura for the past 6 months, never had any issues.
but today i made another model, but when uploading to cura to slice all comes up normal on solid view, but then once i slice it and check the layer view its missing sides. even when i add or remove supports. im going to add photos. any idea?
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