Corey did you order from imakr? Looks like i should have waited and ordered it from imakr as it would have arrived sooner and also would not have incurred an international credit card charge. But i never have been patient.
Hi Nachokaos
Thanks for the advice allready ordred some diffrenet pla and started to work my way round Cura.. lets hope my first experiane will be a good one with ultimaker 2
Hi Mattkaz
Yes i emailed imakr yesterday and they told me they would have them in stock next week, but when i looked on there site today they was avalible to order so i jumped in and bought one, then about an hour later i got my tracking number for delivery tomorrow...
- 2 weeks later...
Do you do 3D modelling? If not then you'll need to track down some models to print is a good place to start, run by the same people as imakr :-P
Do you do 3D modelling? If not then you'll need to track down some models to print is a good place to start, run by the same people as imakr :-P
that just sounds like good old fashioned spamming ?? want to explain ???
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nachokaos 0
Lucky you... Wellcome!!
I order a UM2 also, Dont know when its going to ship, i come from a very diferent printer, but the UM2 looks so reliable ,start with the basics tips level the bed, stick diferent filaments in the bed feed filament and understanding Cura software etc and few thousends things more ..
Right now its not so Many information about UM2 but a lot of UM 1 Cud be usefull print parameters etc
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