That is also a result of plenty of plastic being extruded during the first layer. It shoulds matter much because this is only a brom as it seems, but maybe the result is better when the brim is disabled. (Personally I only use a brim on thin and long objects)
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TheodorK 12
To prevent the nozzle from touching the support you can enable the option 'avoid support while traveling' in the travel menu.
the first layer looks like this because for an UM3(E) the first layer line width is set to 120%, this makes sure that there is plenty of plastic on the botom layer to ensure that the print sticks to the build plate and doesnt come loose during printing.
This can be fixed by changing the initial layer heigth and the initial line width. But do note that the default initial layer heigth of 0.27mm is much more forgivint to small inacurracies in the build plate than a 0.1mm initial layer heigth
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ftc 0
Thanks for your reply! I‘ll try the avoid option. Does anybody know why some lines are curling? (Look at the red mark to see what I mean. )
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