I tried it but it gave me some code errors during generation. went back to 43
I have been having some problems with Skeinforge 45. The bottom layers of infill are all parallel, and it is causing curling. Don't know why this is happening. I have some really great anticipations for the new "Smooth" setting, but unfortunately I cannot use it at this point because the parallel infill is too troublesome.
Just an update, I figured out that unchecking "Infill in direction of bridge" solved the issue with parallel infill layers. The funny thing is, using Skeinforge 44 and earlier it makes no difference on this same model (pirate ship). So, something is a little different under the hood.
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ddurant 0
I saw that it was out but haven't messed with it yet. Try it and let us know!!
Lots in his blog about things being renamed and moved around - looks like SF44 profiles should work but I'd go through the blog and check that the various settings made it to the right places before printing..
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