Thanks ZapBranniganm... I appreciate your feedback. Yeah... this is going to be a duesy for me to figure out. This is what I got so far... The print I'm attempting is a fan shroud I downloaded from Thingiverse so I'm assuming the code is not corrupted. I'll download another item to see what happens. Also, following your suggestion it appears that my print starting point is at layer 133 and ends at layer 234. The total print should have 265 layers. Go figure! : (
Hey latrevino, do you mean by "code" that you downloaded a (ready-made) gcode-file? In that case - did you make sure it is compatible with your machine (at best exacly made for your printer-model)? Or are we talking about an geometry-file (most common is .stl) that you sliced with cura to produce a gcode-file yourself?
ZapBrannigan, yes to both questions. I downloaded the code from Thingiverse for my specific printer although I have a Sapphire-S printer and it did not specify model... "S" or "Pro". I have also loaded .stl files to Cura for slicing. I believe I am going to zero everything out and start from scratch because I don't believe I had this issues when I first got started but since all this is new to me I can't be sure.
Mmm, sounds reasonable so far. If you made a lot of changes in your cura settings/profiles then it might indeed make sense to reset and start from scratch. Maybe you should also look for a forum with users of your specific machine. Good luck for sorting things out!
Thanks I appreciate your feedback.
I am wondering this... since there were no readily available profiles for my printer (Two Trees Sapphire-S) in Cura, and I manually added the printer perhaps that is where my problem is. What do you think?
Yes, if you accidentally got some settings in your printer-profile wrong this would almost certainly lead to problems while printing. Think of entering a wrong size of the print-space. Although such an error is hard to oversee because you're always working "inside" the machine-space in cura. So if you had specified a space that would fit into a nutshell you'll notice that when you try to slice your first model. But there are other settings that can be done wrong - some printers even need special gcode-sequences for some functions. That's why you best find somebody with the same printer (sometimes there are groups even on facebook) who already defined a profile for cura. Checking the profile is a good starting point anyways.
Thanks for the feedback... cheers!
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ZapBrannigan 0
Hello latrevino,
the first thing for you to find out here would be wether it is actually the printer/settings (I wouldn't have a clue right now if that is the case) or if your input-data (g-code file) is already bad. You can check that by analyzing the machine-pathes in the cura preview-mode (the middle-button at the top between "prepare" and "monitor"). If you notice something is wrong here already, then a bad geometry (.stl) file might be the reason (non-closed or intersecting surfaces and the like)
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