DivingDuck 105
You are missing the "S" like:
M109 S{material_print_temperature_layer_0} T0 ;Wait for extruder T0 to reach temp before proceeding
You can delete "T0" if you don't use multiple extruder's.
- 1
You are missing the "S" like:
M109 S{material_print_temperature_layer_0} T0 ;Wait for extruder T0 to reach temp before proceeding
You can delete "T0" if you don't use multiple extruder's.
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ahoeben 2,010
See this topic:
Cura is trying to protect you from instructing your printer to extrude material while the material is still too cold to extrude. It checks your start gcode snippet for a heatup sequence, and if none seems to be available it inserts its own in front of the start gcode. You have to include specific strings in your start gcode snippet to show Cura that you are taking care of preheating, eg:
G190 {material_bed_temperature_layer_0} G109 {material_print_temperature_layer_0}
Please note: I mean this exact text, including the { and }. Cura will do the replacement with the temperatures you specified in the settings.
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