If it was an incorrect step/mm setting then parts twice as big would have twice as much error. Which isn't the case; that's why I suspect backlash.
Humm.. interesting, I see your point. Still, I would contact your reseller.
One idea though - maybe a belt isn't tightened correctly? See https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/52607-check-the-tension-of-the-short-belts
Or it could be one of the axles: https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/52606-check-for-play-on-the-axles
Edited by P3DHi
There are several belts and drive gears between the head and the stepper. Dimensional errors in any of them can throw things off a little. However if that's the case, you should get a scale error ( = it's off by 0.5%). If it's always 0.1 mm, even on a 0.5 mm part then indeed it's some sort of play / slop issue.
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P3D 46
Hi, the topic of your post is slightly misleading, as it isn't a backlash issue (hopefully).
The lack of user-accessible calibration is something quite some people (including myself) have criticized for a loooong time, but it seems Ultimaker isn't willing to change that. Your best bet would be contacting your reseller and asking for a solution, I think. Until it is solved, I fear your only option remains correcting for this manually...
I totally agree with you that this is not what is to be expected from a professional machine! Even if they were super-accurately calibrated coming from the factory, there's always the possibility of something changing along the way - and if you don't have the level of customer support where the manufacturer/distributor will actually re-calibrate the machine for you, then the user ought to have access to the calibration IMO.
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