Thanks I'll have a look at that.
I was hoping the community would have some insight since I put more trust in the people here than on other social media.
Have my eyes on a Modix 120 with a build volume of 1200x650x650
Thanks I'll have a look at that.
I was hoping the community would have some insight since I put more trust in the people here than on other social media.
Have my eyes on a Modix 120 with a build volume of 1200x650x650
Hi AndersK,
I was wondering if you ever got the Modix 120X as I am looking to get a large format printer as well. If so would you mind sharing your thoughts and experience's on the purchase? I wanted to know if its is a worth while machine and how panful was it to get setup and running?
Not yet, but hope to place the order for it anyday now.
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Smithy 1,146
Don't worry 🙂
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geert_2 558
I have seen them on Youtube, maybe your best option is to search for reviews there?
Could be on the CNC kitchen channel, or Makersmuse? Or was it that Bernaculus Nerdgasm guy, or something like that? I don't remember...
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