Will try that, just have to get some builds printed first...
Manual levelling didnt help neither 🤬
Will try that, just have to get some builds printed first...
Manual levelling didnt help neither 🤬
I havent been at the office for a long time but yesterday I was in and had some time to fiddle with the printer.
Ran diagnostics test of the bed sensor and it reported low performance. Found that both wires was broken, surprised that the test only reported low performance.
Repaired them and diagnostics now looked good. However problem still persists.
Tried to swap cores as suggested, core #2 still gets pushed hard into the plate preventing filament to be extruded.
At least confirmed problem isnt the new core.
Automatic levelling seems to be ok for both cores though. Doesnt push down core #2 much while levelling.
I also realised that I have changed to a Build-Tak Flex plate shortly before using the new print core, might only have printed with core #1 until I installed the new.
Suspecting core #2 "thinks" I'm still printing on glass plate level and ignoring data from levelling.
Could that happen and is there anything I can check or try?
I will remove the flexplate and try a print on bare glass again but that will be next week I hope.
Open for other ideas to try and check.
Edited by AndersK
I'm getting the same on a new S5. Tried manual levelling twice, but core 2 (PVA) tries to print underground each time 😡. Thought it was the cores not fitted properly, but now sure they are ok.
I'm getting the same on a new S5. Tried manual levelling twice, but core 2 (PVA) tries to print underground each time 😡. Thought it was the cores not fitted properly, but now sure they are ok.
Not sure if it is coincidence or not, but downloaded new firmware, and tried again withought changing anything else and its working 😕
I'm on the latest firmware and I can't recall it happening when I installed it.
Might be worth getting back one step just to try.
I have no idea why it worked after installing firmware as the next job had the same problem. I went back and recalibrated and discovered I misinterpreted the instructions and put in an incorrect Y number. All is good now.
I think the answer is in this thread, firmware is the problem
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What happen if you switch the print core in slot 1 to be installed in slot 2 and vive and versa ?
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